Spotlight on energy projects

EECA follows and shares the progress of clean and clever energy projects around New Zealand, particularly if we have contributed co-funding to the project. 

A first for New Zealand

In a New Zealand first, Counties Energy have managed to recycle and convert end of life Nissan Leaf EV batteries into a brand-new EV charger located in Mercer, Waikato.

Working with Relectrify, the technology stores 240kWh of energy or around 10 times the storage of a typical home battery system. The innovative project demostrates the future of energy and ‘flexible infrastructure’ at work right now in New Zealand.

Moonis Vegdani, Chief Group Strategy Officer of Counties Energy commented,“By making the connections between the network and berm battery storage, we are able to meet high demand loads such as EV charging and, at the same time, reduce stress on the network, smooth the network load, decrease connection times and avoid or defer costly infrastructure upgrades.”

The EV chargers were co-funded as part of EECA's Low Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund, while the Berm Battery storage project was fully funded by Counties Energy.

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