Minister for Energy and Resources Dr. Megan Woods has opened round 10 of the Low Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund (LEVCF). This round has up to $4.5m in co-funding available.
The LEVCF offers up to $6.5 million a year to projects that will accelerate the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) and other low emission vehicles.
In her announcement, Megan Woods said, "Over nine rounds, the investment focus of the Fund has evolved, from growing awareness of electric vehicles to addressing barriers to their uptake and, in the latest rounds, expanding our public charging network and investing in New Zealand-first, innovative technology.
"Through the Fund, we've helped ensure Kiwis can charge their electric vehicles the length of the country, we've invested in work to develop battery repurposing and recycling, to upskill the industry, and organisations from small community groups to nationwide transport companies have shown there is a low-emission vehicle solution for just about every need."
Minister Woods said the investment focus for this round of the LEVCF would be focused on three main areas: electric vehicle charging; technology and services; and demonstrating light and heavy low emission vehicles.
"There is still considerable scope for previous successful projects to be replicated, but in new sectors and applications. We also need to make the charging network denser, by filling gaps in the network and making more facilities available at key locations."
Applicants for the tenth funding round have until Wednesday, 14 April 2021 to submit their proposals to EECA.
Find out more about the Fund, its investment focus, and how to apply
Read the full media release on link)