
Our 5-step pathway is supported by the Brewers Guild of New Zealand. It provides tailored tools and resources to the brewing sector to help lower their emissions and unlock business benefits.


Any brewery in New Zealand can access this pathway for free.

Your decarbonisation journey starts here

There are two ways to access the decarbonisation pathway.

Sign up for a series of curated emails below. We highly recommend this method as you will:

  • Be alerted as soon as new resources are added
  • Receive invitations to events and webinars
  • Be the first to know about new co-funding opportunities

Or you can jump straight into things by visiting our tools and resources page.

Tools and resources

The climate impact of the brewing sector

New Zealand’s beer scene is world-class. With over 200 existing breweries and over 1600 unique products, kiwis are spoilt for choice.

The industry’s diversity is partially due to the abundance of locally grown ingredients. The availability of quality ingredients has also contributed to the rapid growth of New Zealand brewing over the past decade. In a brewery, the majority of emissions are from the use of LPG and natural gas.

Many breweries are starting to feel the effects of climate change first-hand. Most notably, due to fuel costs rising, and the availability of ingredients being challenged.

New Zealand hops are highly sought after, with around 70% of the 2021 harvest being exported to 17 different countries. However, they are also very vulnerable to changing weather patterns. The 2021 harvest was around 14% less than the previous year, due to a hailstorm that destroyed crops across the Nelson Tasman Region.

Steps taken by small breweries across New Zealand will help reduce the impact of the industry on the climate and look after our people and environment.

But remember, reducing emissions makes not only good environmental sense, but good business sense too.


Want to receive tailored tools and resources straight to your inbox? Sign up to the Brewing Decarbonisation Pathway now.

Sign up

The business good of decarbonisation

Switching away from fossil fuels can have many benefits for business, beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Cost savings – reduce operating costs through energy efficiency and fuel switching.
  • Social license – improve your reputation with socially responsible consumers and investors.
  • Brand value – tap into new markets, spark innovation and create business opportunities.
  • Employee engagement – attract and retain talent.
  • Compliance – stay ahead of regulation for climate change mitigation.

Sawmill Brewery says ‘hello’ to low-carbon beer

Get a glimpse into the future of craft beer in a low-emissions Aotearoa. This independent New Zealand owned Brewery is working hard to reduce their energy-related emissions.

Big or small, actions taken to reduce emissions can contribute to something much bigger than an individual business, or our industry. We’re making changes that contribute to a low carbon future for New Zealand.

The Brewers Guild of New Zealand

The sooner the switch, the greater the reward

The earlier businesses make changes, the faster potential cost-savings can be unlocked. By switching to low-emissions solutions soon, you can protect your business from potential fossil fuel supply and cost uncertainty. In addition, by acting quickly, your businesses may be able to get ahead of the pack for popular technologies – particularly if there is competition for limited resources.

Get started

Ready to begin? Explore our resources for the Brewing Sector and get started on your decarbonisation journey now.
